Due To Popular Demand – Chess-for-Youth-Program Kicks Off!

We have received great feed-back, interest and numerous requests for participation in our Chess-for-Youth program!
This has prompted us to post a recap of this wonderful program so that others who have have yet to request information on participation may do so.
The Chess-for-Youth-Program is just one of many wonderful U.S. Chess Trust programs!
There are many schools enrolled in the program and the numbers are still growing!
The program operates under the simple premise that chess makes kids smarter and should be an opportunity available to all students across the country!
Playing chess is known to help students improve on a wide range of abilities including concentration, developing and expanding critical thinking skills, boosts memory, helps achieve superior academic performance, builds problem-solving capabilities, and enhances self-esteem, just to name a few !
These are wonderful qualities that parents, school administrators, and teachers desire for their students and its easy to get involved!
Free chess equipment (limit up to five free boards and sets) to help start your chess program
Free USCF memberships (limit ten memberships per school) for students of modest means, if so certified by the Principal of their school.
Click here for CHESS-FOR-YOUTH program details, applications and instructions, its that simple!
We welcome your questions and comments on our blog ! It’s easy , just post your question or comment, submit, and a reply will soon follow.
If you prefer you may also e-mail us at info@uschesstrust.org.